Updates from 2010... CCD welcomes Northern Shenandoah County

Back on Monday February 15TH of this year the Washington Post made the decision to once again combine work areas in hopes of cutting costs here in their outer market area. The latest change included taking over in Strasburg, Toms Brook, Maurertown, Fishers Hill & Woodstock.
The first piece of business is to acknowledge the amazing job that Mr. Fred Haddad and his wife Theresa did over the past two decades. We were very blessed to have both Fred & Theresa stay on board on Sunday mornings as we attempt to keep the level of service at the bar that was set.
The biggest challenge in now trying to manage a territory that ranges from the top of Strasburg down the valley and across the New Market Gap over to the town of Shenandoah is trying to keep up the personal touch that all four of the previous distributors provided for their customers.
I will attempt to use this site to provide as many answers about our distributorship as possible. The hope is that all customers can find answers to any questions that might come up about their subscription.

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