Results from Day #1 Saturday : 33 Matches of Volleyball in the Books

BLACKSBURG- I have listened to Volleyball players talk about competing in Club events the past three years but until Saturday morning I had never experienced it. Must admit, it was an eye opening week end.
22 squads opened play on Saturday with each team set to compete in 3 matches for the day. A quick look at the numbers tells us that 33 matches will be played in the War Memorial Gym between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. Each match requires 7 young ladies to handle the line calls, keep score and officiate. These positions are filled my the team members of the competing schools on a rotating basis.
I will take a more detailed look at the VT Club Officers that handled putting the event together before we wrap up the event but first here is how Saturday played out. The teams were broke up into five pools (4,4,4,4 & 6) with three pools playing in the morning session and two more playing in the afternoon session.
A.M. Pool A
Virginia Tech (Orange) 6-0 +68
Virginia (A) 4-2 +35
George Mason 2-4 -27
Wythville CC 0-6 -76
A.M. Pool B
James Madison U. (A) 5-1 +41
UNC-Wilmington 4-2 +20
Pitt - Gold 2-4 -17
Virginia Tech (B) 1-5 -44
A.M. Pool C
N.C State 4-2 +36
James Madison U. (B) 4-2 +17
Pitt - Blue 4-2 -1
Townsend 0-6 -52
P.M. Pool A & B
Colorado State (A) 5-1 +56
East Carolina 5-1 + 35
Penn State 5-1 + 25
Appalachian State (B) 2-4 -11
West Virginia (B) 1-5 -45
Radford 0-6 -60
P.M. Pool C
West Virginia (A) 6-0 +29
Deleware 3-3 +6
Appalachian State (B) 2-4 -18
Colorado State (B) 1-5 -17
22 squads opened play on Saturday with each team set to compete in 3 matches for the day. A quick look at the numbers tells us that 33 matches will be played in the War Memorial Gym between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. Each match requires 7 young ladies to handle the line calls, keep score and officiate. These positions are filled my the team members of the competing schools on a rotating basis.
I will take a more detailed look at the VT Club Officers that handled putting the event together before we wrap up the event but first here is how Saturday played out. The teams were broke up into five pools (4,4,4,4 & 6) with three pools playing in the morning session and two more playing in the afternoon session.
A.M. Pool A
Virginia Tech (Orange) 6-0 +68
Virginia (A) 4-2 +35
George Mason 2-4 -27
Wythville CC 0-6 -76
A.M. Pool B
James Madison U. (A) 5-1 +41
UNC-Wilmington 4-2 +20
Pitt - Gold 2-4 -17
Virginia Tech (B) 1-5 -44
A.M. Pool C
N.C State 4-2 +36
James Madison U. (B) 4-2 +17
Pitt - Blue 4-2 -1
Townsend 0-6 -52
P.M. Pool A & B
Colorado State (A) 5-1 +56
East Carolina 5-1 + 35
Penn State 5-1 + 25
Appalachian State (B) 2-4 -11
West Virginia (B) 1-5 -45
Radford 0-6 -60
P.M. Pool C
West Virginia (A) 6-0 +29
Deleware 3-3 +6
Appalachian State (B) 2-4 -18
Colorado State (B) 1-5 -17