Live Action from WVT : 12:06 P.M. - The 1ST Pitch of the Lawrence Nesselrodt area @ WV Tech - Yes, that is former General Pete Vandenbout on the Hill
Vandenbout is finshed after 4 innings with a pitch count nearing 70. Pete allowed just 1 run on five hits. Righty Rob Frazer is next to the mound and we head to the bottom of the fifth at 1:25 P.M.
1:50 P.M. - Heading to the bottom of the 6TH. Bluefield leading 3-0 after a 2-run Home Run by Wes Dimitt in the top of the inning. 3RD pitcher for Golden Bears is Jeffrey Krauklis. Now pitching for the Rams is #25 Billie Mueller.
2:02 P.M. - Ronnie Baldwin lines a RBI single to plate Gerardo Caceres with the 1ST run of the season for Tech. Heading to the top of 7TH (final) inning trailing 3-1.
2:15 P.M. - Game 1 is in the books.
Bluefield 3, West Virginia Tech 1
Bluefield 001 002 0- 3 9 0
West Virginia Tech 000 001 0 - 1 4 1