Mr. Mike Barber of Daily News Record (Harrisonburg)

Things are beginning to pick up steam with Around The Valley in 60 Days and Wednesday April 23rd offered an opportunity to visit with a fountain of baseball knowledge, Mr. Mike Barber.

Thanks to some help from Teresa Wease of the home town Harrisonburg Turks, Mike contacted me to ask some back ground questions. On the sports staff of the Daily News Record,Barber has spent a lifetime following the greatest game ever played!

We spent a little over 30 minutes talking about a wide range of topics including where the idea of Around The Valley originated.I couldn't of asked someone to be any more pleasant than Mike was during our conversation and I look forward to speaking with him on our trip down to Harrisonburg!

Mrs.Wease followed up by posting the article from the April 24th edition of the DNR
on her team web site and her efforts to support "our project" have been first rate from the beginning.

The baseball trail for Mr.Barber included a stay in the offices of MLB and anyone
that has the time to talk with a baseball fan like him should jump at the chance!!!

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