The Eagles.. Better than ever @ JPJ Arena/ WSVA

I took a one evening break from baseball and worked my way over to UVA last night to watch the Eagles perform at the JPJ. It had been 30 years since the last time I had the pleasure of watching Glen Frey, Don Henley, Timothy B. Schmidt and Joe Walsh take the stage. While my
season tickets to watch the Hoos play had me very familiar with the building, it was my first time seeing a concert there and I left there quite impressed.

The banner said the JPJ had been named best new concert venue last year and I would strongly suggest catching a show there in the future if you have the chance. It didn't hurt that I
was able to listen to the greatest collection of musicians (just my humble opinion) play for over 3 hours.

The highlight of the night came when Joe led the band in an extended version of "Life's Been Good" and to segway back to baseball- with the Valley League opener just days away- I can say "Life is Good".

Another tip of the cap to Teresa in Harrisonburg as I and Mr.John Leonard have been invited to sit with WSVA's Mike Schikman on his radio show- "Speaking of Sports" this Friday evening to talk about the promotion and Valley Baseball! The show runs from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. on WSVA and I hope some VBL fans will have the time to listen!

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