All in a Days Work- Bruce Alger's day at the Office

One of the most fascinating stories in the Valley Baseball League is how many things will manage to keep one busy. As I have said before, almost everyone involved in the league has a "day job" or a real job.During the day yesterday I was contemplating how to survive what was going to be an 18 hour day when I called Bruce on his cell phone. It was getting close to 5:00 p.m. and we were making plans for this Friday when the Around The Valley express pulls into New Market.
After we talked for a few minutes about different ideas we might use Friday, we switched gears and talked about what we had going on tonight. Bruce knew I was heading to Strasburg for our big night and racing over to Warrenton for the Gators-Wranglers game.

Bruce was finishing his work day and trying to get back to New Market so he could then head over to Luray for his teams Little League game. As soon as the Little League game was finished he would then go from Luray over to Harrisonburg where his Rebels were facing Teresa's Turks in a 7:30 contest.

Finish the game and then get the team back to New Market and safely home (don't forget fed). During this entire roll-out of what lied ahead for him, not once did Bruce have an ounce of complaining in his voice. Instead of complaining about his day/night double header, he mentioned to me that I should slow down and enjoy the experience in Strasburg because night like this don't come around that often.

My speech at Johnny Appleseed earlier this year included a part where I mentioned Bruce was #4 on my hero list behind God, my Dad and Greg Maddux. Might have to move him up to 3-B if he keeps this up

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