Now for the rest of the story: Haymarket

All the stores have been collected so I will try and finish out the top5 from our visit up to Haymarket/ Sunday night!

#5.- This one actually happened after we got back home. I found a message/posting left by Bobby McGrath III. We had met Bobby for the first time the other night in Winchester and
it took a couple of days to finish the story. We have come to expect that we had friends coming in and that carried over to others. But when you meet people for the first time you are not always sure how much they will think about the conversation after the end of the night.
Bobby had followed up on our visit and took the time to share his thoughts on the evening in Winchester. This means a lot to me (even more so that he liked the recap), because this day and age where everyone is so busy, what impressed me the most was Bobby taking the time to check back in. Thanks again!

#4.- Catfish Lewie's and the Senators- I grew up in a world where bartering came second nature. Now that the economy has hit a bump in the road I think makes it all that more important to help each other out. That was the premise of this very promotion was to find a way to help all the teams out without taping into their sponsors. My daughter Rebecca and I were talking again the other day about all the ways we thought teams and local business folks could really help each other.

Last night we both smiled when we saw the flyer where one of the local food establishments (Catfish Lewies- loved the flyer) had teamed up with the club to promote each others business. I hope they have a great turn out at Lewie's!

#3.- Spending some time with the Parker family!- Every team has a group of hero's behind the scene. Some teams have more than others and I always tried to search one out. Last night that group was the Parker family:

Mr. Scott Parker
Casey Parker
Kendall Parker - 12 years old
Douglas Parker- turned 11 yesterday
Emma Parker- 7 years old

This family does a great job of helping where ever the ownership group needs them. They have hosted players for a few years, rotated thru the concessions stand and the number of players that have stayed with them is fast approaching double digits. My love for the league is tied directly to what I call the other All-Stars and this family makes the list. I know that every team has a number of the families and if I could I would have an all-star ballot for all of these people! They posed for a family picture and some of the younger ones pitched in to protect Haymarket Joe and myself when we tried to sing Take Me Out To The Ball Game during the 7th inning stretch. I invited them down to Luray to catch a Wrangler game and I hope to see them again down the road.

#2.-Steve Caito & The Lloyds (John & Rose)- Steve was sitting at a table where John Lloyd (USA-Today/friend of the promotion) was sitting when I walked over to sit down and visit for a minute. John has always been great about providing promo items for the things we do and I had invited him to come out and catch a game while we were close to his home (Herndon area). I have always believed if you make eye contact with someone you should speak so I offered Steve one of the ink pens I was holding and after a few minutes I went over and got him a passport.
We started talking about his oldest son- Zac Caito (Soph @ St.Leo)- who plays for Haymarket and then the ball started rolling. His wife (Kerry) and Steve have three baseball playing sons that include Nick (Soph to be @ St.Leo-playing this summer for the McClean Raiders) and Riley.
Riley just finished his sophomore year at Fauquier High School and is getting ready to start Legion ball. About this time John and Steve start trading stories about area baseball and they are quick to relize that their boys played with and against a number of the same kids. Readers that have been with us for a while will remember that John's son (John) was named pitcher of the week for the Big South Conference.

What a small world, especially here in Around The Valley in 60 Days land! Rose is a typical baseball mom who really knows the game and after a bit there were four of us sitting at the table talking about area baseball and their kids. I really enjoyed the chance to meet somebody new and I hope Steve enjoyed the talk enough to check back in down the road. Thanks again to John & Rose for coming out and all of their help!

#1.- Haymarket Joe ! I wouldn't have time to do this story justice if I tried to tell it all right here so I will just sctratch the surface. I told Joe's wife when he introduced me that I wish there were 20 Joe's around and we shared a laugh or two about that. I will catch up with Joe down the road atleast once or twice and I will try and tell the entire story that is Haymarket Joe. I try to cover Luray/ New Market, Joe has Haymarket covered, Mike and the gang have things in hand in Waynesboro and Melissa (Mrs.Charlie) is there in New Market. The core group of die hard fans is building and we have talked with the Winchester Fun Supporters and visited with the Traveling Turks as well.....There is hope for us yet! Check back later on a Haymarket Joe feature story.

Gotta pack for Staunton.
1. Get to visit with Kay & Boyd
2. Generals Sign Guy Mike will be coming over
3.Chris Graham is checking in to finish his feature story
4. Last road trip - we are walking the 1.8 miles to Bulldog Field Tuesday
5.What a place to see a baseball game!

Until then- Now you know my version of the story!

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