If the VBL was yours for a day or two- What would you do?

I wanted to have some fun with a little participation if there are folks still out there. It is an age old question that many an athlete or fan has been asked- If you were in charge of the VBL for a day:

What changes would you make (Remember you are limited to how much money something can cost)

I will toss out a couple of my own first-

1. Separate out the MVP award from the pitching. The only cost would be for one more plaque at seasons end.
2. Cut a deal with the Northern Virginia Daily & the Staunton News-Leader where one of the two newspapers would step up and cover the Championship Series even if none of the six combined teams they cover are playing. We can't afford to have ANY games being played in the Lineweaver Cup not be available on line...

Please send your thoughts in by post or e-mail....

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