A shot of the crowd when we arrived (a little belatedly). And just imagine, this is a small crowd compared to some of the standing-room-only groups they get here at Gypsy Hill Park.

Dad talking it up with Boyd (yes,
the Boyd... of Kay and Boyd Snyder).

A good shot looking up at the Ted Bosiak Field sign. One of the best parts of Staunton is sitting behind the plate - you feel like you're right on top of the action!

This fella entertained us all. As most people who visit Staunton realize, "Sweet Caroline" is sort of their theme song. He sang and danced very enthusiastically to it!

The sun setting over Gypsy Hill Park.

The lovely ladies (and their Brave assistant) of the 50/50 raffle...

...the pot reached over 100 dollars for the winner!

The Children of Wranglerville all holding hands and singing together beneath the beautiful trees.

Right after the home run that made things interesting.

The wigwam: the place to go for all your Staunton merchandise.

This seemed like the place the cool kids sit to watch the Braves in action.

The Luray Wranglers had a pretty good turnout for this game! Many fans to cheer on our talented boys.

A spectator's point of view, looking on as someone gets patched up on the field.

Bill Meade and I played camera tag all night. I think he finally did get some good pictures of me, but I tried to make it difficult for him.

The score board after their two run homer.

Kyle Cichy warming up in the bull pen.

The dugout. Where the magic happens.

Another shot of the Staunton loyal watching their boys play the hearts out.

A conference at the mound. I believe this is right as Andrew Armstrong steps off the mound and Kyle Cichy takes over for him. A solid effort by Armstrong, though!

These two played a really intense game of catch behind the away bleachers. So cute!

Madame Jefferson looks on. Took me seeing the Flames on her sweatshirt to put two and two together (she was, after all, sitting very close to Mr. Jefferson).

Dave Biery stopped by for the festivities. Dad is showing him the article in the Shenandoah Valley Herald that did a good job covering the first pitch ceremony down in New Market where the Dodges and Kay Helsley got their moment on the pitcher's mound.

Toward the end of the game, the bull pen came as close to the field as they could, watching with bated breath.

We were up by 1 run and Drew Ruscinski closed the game out pretty succinctly. Way to go, Drew!

Many fans closed in on the fences, leaning against them for the final pitches of the game.

All the guys in the dugout were watching close, too. You could
feel the tension and excitement. The Wranglers knew they had a seat in the championship in their grasp - but could they hold on?

One of the last Staunton at-bats. They did not go down without a fight!

Many of the Luray and Staunton faithful watched from atop the hill. A better vantage point, methinks.

Drew rarin' back, digging deep. The Braves didn't know what hit them, at first. He had some nasty pitches stored up.

The fans right after the last out.

lot of celebration pictures!

lot of celebration pictures!

lot of celebration pictures!

But we took out the time to shake hands with the Braves - it was a hard-fought game to say the least. Neither team wanted to give up.

Every "Good game" muttered here was well-earned. They definitely had me on the edge of my seat!

The balls and gloves were abandoned during the post-win excitement!

More hand-shakes.

Now it's celebration time!

Some happy, happy guys!

Every player deserves a big pat on the back after tonight. What a game!

Is Mike happy?

You bet he is! Look at that smile!

"We just won!"

More celebratory pictures. Bill Turner is in there on the action - congratulating his guys on making sure Luray makes yet another appearance in the championship series.

"Did I mention we won!?"

"No! Really? We won? What does that mean?"

"It means we get to play at home tomorrow... game one of the championship series! Against Covington!"

Mike stopping long enough to smile bright at the fans.

lot of celebration pictures!

lot of celebration pictures!

Mike in the foreground. The Wranglers in the background.

Dad in the foreground. Staunton in the background.

Bill Meade snapping some pictures for the Page News and Courier.

"We're ready for our close up, Mr. Meade."

Lots of pictures of the team. I was snap happy.

Lots of pictures of the team. I was snap happy.

Lots of pictures of the team. I was snap happy.

Lots of pictures of the team. I was snap happy.

Did I mention there were lots of pictures of the team?

Bill and Mike shaking hands. Two very hard-working men.

Look at that smile! You gotta love to see that.

Dad had a good time doing some post-game interviews.

Packing up. Moving out.

The Luray camp. Lots of family, friends and fans gathering to chat with the players.

Ashley didn't want me to take a picture of her. This was as good as I got for tonight.

Cory and his #1 fan!

As I said, family and friends. There was lots of Luray support in the crowd, tonight.

Alex Wimmers and his father having a chat after the game.

The whole Jefferson crew!

A quick shot of Smink before he heads to the bus. He'll be starting tomorrow!

Jeff and his mom share a hug. So cute! They definitely have a son to be proud of and I've heard nothing but good things about his sister, either.

A nice shot of the Wimmers as well as the rest of the Luray crew.

Lots to talk about!

Proud coach!

Dad kept them busy with interview questions for quite some time. Look forward to quotes and a story from that, later!

Austin Markel says it's good to hydrate! Good game, Austin!

Yost got used to being photographed by the end of the night, I'm sure! More of him to come!

Nice face, Bill!

Diane and Yost. Such a cute picture!

Morgan and Yost.

Madison and Yost! He posed with practically the whole family!

My favorite shot of the night. Click to enlarge!

Debbie! So dedicated and sweet!

A picture of the bus.

A commercial waiting to happen. Richards - the chosen transportation of the Luray Wranglers (the 2008 Valley League champions? We'll see...)