Ten Reasons Why it's Better to be a Wrangler Fan

My dad showed me Tony Mowatt's list of the ten reasons why it's better to be a Rebel fan than a Wrangler fan so I decided that it just wasn't fair that no one on his side had been given a chance for a rebuttal. Here is his list so you can understand my responses:
10) Luray is west of New Market. Everyone around here knows the further east you go, the stranger the
people.9) It takes longer to get from Luray to New Market than it does from New Market to Luray. Think I'm
kidding? Time it.8) The food is better. While Luray certainly has a fine burger. No way, and I mean NO WAY is it better
than a Rebel Park fresh fried onions burger.7) New Market doesn't have a porta-john. Nuff said.6) Rebel Park, featured in the Washington Post. Wrangler Park, featured in Page News and Courier.
Just sayin'5) The greatly underrated major league catcher, Jerry May played for the Rebel's.4) The infield dirt in Rebel Park was imported from Camden Yards.3) The GM of the Rebel's, C. Bruce Alger is the worlds most committed baseball fan.2) Rebel Park can seat 126,000 all the while maintaining an intimate atmosphere. Wrangler park seats
what, five hundred?1) "The Legend of the Valley" Mo Weber
Ten Reasons Why it's Better to be a Wrangler Fan
10. I would contest that, actually. Have you seen California? As much as I love the terminator, the governator sort of scares me... a teacher of mine in high school once said someone shook the tree of America and all the nuts rolled West.
9. That long ride home for the Rebels give them a little while to sulk wipe the tears away after the Wranglers beat them.
8. Hamburgers? Who needs them? I prefer a Wrangler park chicken sandwich.
7. Wrangler baseball is so exciting that fans don't want to miss a second of it, not even to go to the bathroom.
6. Around these parts, the Page News and Courier ranks a whole lot higher than the Washington Post.
5. Mister, you must be really old because I don't even know who you're talking about. However, the Wranglers did have more players drafted than any other VBL team.
4. We didn't have to go all the way to Baltimore to find dirt we could beat the Rebels on.
3. The GM of the Wranglers, Diane Buckley, is basically superwoman.
2. Let me get back to you on that, after I do some research about New Market math...
1. Mo came back to this side of the mountain, didn't he? 'Nuff said.