The Generals take on the Royals - in Photos

Thank to you our guest photographer, again, Jerry Carter. Enjoy these pictures from Winchester v. Waynesboro!

Welcome to the show !

A great view from behind home plate..

One of the coolest press box groups in the VBL

Whether it's 610 AM or the Web- This pair is up to the call

Hard at work during the delay

Getting ready to re-warm up after the break

The man with the answers in Winchester !

87 minutes is a long time to kill but a lot of smiles

I finally was able to catch the dynamic duo at eye level

ESPN-1240 The Boss and check out the size of the camera in the background

Generals Sign Guy Mike and Two Special Ladies

The light show in the sky was amazing !

A round of Pepper

The Star is always available at the Park

Todd Thompson - my hero for the poster donation!

A meeting of the minds at home plate..

ATV-60 Loopsters Tabatha Lunsford & Beverly Henderson stayed until the end

Mix in a little game action

Todd and his two daughters and their dates/boyfriends

Even the trash cans are COOL!

More game action

The Braves bullpen during the game

I had to empty my pockets for a minute

Kyle Galbrarth (W. Michigan) at the dish

Talking with Mr. E Bay and Vince is always fun..

Oh by the way- Great baseball game !

Generals fans Chuck and Mike with their checklist

Generals Sign Guy Mike shows off his "Passport Sign"

The bus pulls in from Staunton for the game

Early pics of New Market Rebels Park

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