Here are some fun memories from our night at Bulldog Field watching the Royals take on your Wranglers (who are now on a
SEVEN game winning streak)!
Travis Smink takes a moment before he throws the first pitch.
Austin Markel takes a few practice swings before stepping up to the plate.
Austin at the plate. Nice form, number 31!
Austin mid-swing.
Austin takes a nice lead-off from first base.
The middle of the Wrangler's second inning streak.
Austin Markel crosses home plate in time to celebrate with Ryan Perry.
Celebrate! You're on your way to being up by five in the second inning.
Frank Florio celebrates after making it home.
Ah, yes. The fifth run of the second inning. All the boys come out to celebrate when Chris Rey (sporting his new number, 33) comes back to the dugout.
Smink waits for a sign from the catcher.
You can see the outline of the Wrangler guys.
Austin at the plate, again. Say "hi, mom!"
Damon Dillman from TV3.
Ryan Perry. The lighting is epic.
The Winchester dugout. I took this picture mostly of the cute batboy.
Diamond takes in the action with cool indifference.
The view from behind home plate where the Wrangler loyal stand.
A better view of the field from behind home plate.
There was a pretty good turnout of Wrangler fans for this game. 417 was the attendance for the night. Good job, guys!
The Winchester fans that made the trip to see their boys play. They don't look like a particularly happy bunch in this picture. Sorry guys!
The Winchester batboy atop the shoulders of Richard Curylo. The whole crowd was commenting on their adorable batboy - I interviewed him and found out he is 6 years old. What a smile!
Richard and Brooks (I'm sorry if I'm spelling your name wrong) stop to get some delicious food from the concession stand.
Jeff Jefferson swings the bat around a little before he steps up to the plate.
Mike steps out to have a few words with the umps.
JULIANA COMER.Dedicated girlfriend of number 35, Travis Smink.
The view from the pressbox.
Ryan Carroll, Seth McGruffin, Jerry Carter and Chase Suddith in the press box.
The teams' respective meetings.
Some dedicated fans situated by the entrance. You can see part of a very cute pooch!
The view down the third base line from just outside the entrance of Bulldog Field.