
Showing posts from January 23, 2011

Adjustments to Our Sunday finishing times...

For those of you that are early risers, even on Sunday morning, might have noticed your Sunday newspaper arriving just a little later. While we have proudly been able to keep the finishing times inside the Post deadline the 8 routes are finishing later due to a permanent change in the arrival time of our truck. ____________________________________ We now receive our papers roughly 45 minutes later each week and to most the change would not be noticeable but for the early risers that are at the end of the routes will see a slight difference in delivery time. If you have any questions about this I welcome you to drop a line or call.

New Additions to the CCD Family !

While we hope that there was no noticable change in our delivery on those days we are proud to announce that two babies were added to the Family that is Crystal Clear Delivery during the month of January! Two proud papas welcomed Christopher Noah (1/3/11) and Robert Jackson (1/17/11) to their families and in both cases Dad was able to be there in plenty of time for the big moment!