Day 14- The first day we didn't HAVE to go to a ball park- so we went to 5 of them!
We here at ATV-60 are not afraid of Friday the 13 Th so we set out to try and do something extra fun. The morning started with a 3:00 a.m. trip up to Dulles (Airport) to drop off Mr. Pat Kelly. Pat has been staying with us this week while visiting his son Clay (Wranglers). Pat was insistent on giving me something for my time and trouble so I went in search of an adventure for the night. After doing 11 in 11 and then having back to back home games working the PA at Bulldog Field, it was going to be night 14 and my/our first night without any scheduled requirements. So I put my thinking cap on and came up with this idea: FRIDAY THE 13TH- ATV-60 STYLE SPONSORED BY: MR. & MRS. PAT KELLY 6:14 PM- Linda, Diamond, Rebecca and I loaded up the Mercury (43,357.2/303.1)) and headed out of Luray . The first stop in town was work related but the second stop was @ Bulldog Field. The Wranglers were on the road so it was a different look at our park and included shots of all the cars the players