Some pics from Varsity Boys action : Generals @ Rams

Never to early to teach them about wearing Purple!
Mr. D always showing his support for the Rams
Andrew Thayer working the lens for the Northern Virginia Daily
Kyle Wilson looking to get the ball to Phillip Hovater inside
Nicholas Trent looking for rebound posistion
Sophomore Michael Reynolds at the Free Throw Line
Final Score for the contest...
Score at the end of the 1ST Half
A blurry version of the search for the Birthday Girl after a chorus of Happy Birthday was heard in the gym.
Check out the form at the Line
Looking for a soft kiss of the glass
The back-up refs or creative Rams fans?
Coach Stout leading her Generals from the sidelines
Coach French doing the same for his Rams
The crew from the NVD- Andrew on the left and the young man on the right is Dennis Atwood. You can check out his gamer later at