In the beginning - Agency #8514 & #8514-SXO (August 7, 2006)

Both Mr.Gary and Mrs.Ann Ward roamed the streets of Page County every day for over 30 years while providing service to the Washington Post customers here. Gary was the Agent responsible for Luray and Ann was contracted for the outer/Sunday area in Stanley and Shenandoah.
My son Christopher and I were blessed to be the ones out running some of the fringe products in Page County on the morning that Gary realized that 32 years was long enough of the 7 Day grind that has WP delivery people out there 365 days a year. Both of the Wards were overly kind during the 30 day window we spent together in training and on the morning of August 7, 2006 we became the folks responsible for Agency 8514.
The first of a series of mergers occurred on that same day when the 8514-SXO agency that belonged to Ann was eliminated and the two agencies became one. Sadly for us on the same day the Washington Post raised the price of the newspaper from .35 to .50 and the Sunday Post went from $1.00 to $1.50.
Looking back those now look to be the good ole days!

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