S. Carter's Perspective

I'm back in Lynchburg now having started my summer job. I'm bummed that I can't be back in the valley doing the tour with Dad and Rebecca but I have to work on my thesis and continue my photography business. I really enjoyed my three day stint on the circuit and met wonderful people. From the beginning I've felt this was a great idea and appreciated my dad inviting me to work on this with him. When Jerry Carter promotes something he does it right! I appreciated his confidence in my ability, though I think I've surpassed his expectations, to design some great pieces for the campaign. I would like the record to show that I was the one who started the blog! I'm glad he's found an outlet for all of his excitement and a way to show the world just what it is that is so great about the Valley League.

My experience as part of the traveling core of the promotion was memorable. I honestly can't say that I expected to feel like such a welcomed part of each community. We fit right in among the Valley faithful. I was proud to be a part of what I consider to be an all-American summer pastime which promotes good sportsmanship, athleticism and community ties. I like that families host players who come from all around the country and have the opportunity to share a part of their lives for this short time. Our families player from last season is getting married in July and I was invited to take their wedding photographs!

I am glad to have been able to meet some of you and to join my family in what I'm sure we'll all remember for a long time to come!

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