Question of the Day- Part #2.. Harrisonburg @ Haymarket, then off to Front Royal

Let's pick up where we left off in our journey on Saturday night. When I walk into a park after the game has already started the first thing I do is look up at the scoreboard. As I was saying, the drive from FHS to Haymarket is a quick one so it was still early in the game. Haymarket was leading 2-0 in the fourth inning when I made it inside the gate.
The trip up to Haymarket finished the loop for the second time and I was immediately made to feel welcome by two of the four owners, Mrs. Schaffer and Mrs. Newell. A quick hello and then something pretty neat happened when I handed them their copies of the magazines. When you look at the cover of the New Dominion your first thoughts are not about it being a baseball related issue. Not to worry about the Senators fans knowing what is inside though as these quick thinking ladies opened up one copy to the article and then placed the open copy inside a plastic menu holder so anyone that takes a look will she the article! There is thinking on your feet and then there is a entire different level of quick thinking...Kudos!
The first stop was the Turks side of the diamond where it appeared to be a Turks home game and of course there was Teresa right in the middle of it. I think the count was 30+ and the neat part for me is the majority of this group makes me feel right at home when our paths cross. There was an extra reason to celebrate as the Turks' Lisa Klosinski turned 50 yesterday! While
I was only able to spend 15 or 20 minutes around these folks, it always brightens my day.
I was able to give Lisa a birthday present and support the Senators at the same time by buying $5.00 worth of 50-50 tickets for the looks way to young to be 50 Birthday girl. Teresa has already sent me some notes and pics from last night that Rebecca will be posting here in a bit when she returns from her sisters house in Lynchburg.

Time to head over to the other side of the diamond- score now Haymarket 2, Turks 1- to visit with Haymarket Joe and Bernie Schaffer. Matt Wease had spent part of the game trying to match H-Joe shout for shout but Joe simply said- stop that before you hurt yourself. You haven't been to a Haymarket game until you here Joe belt out his "Lets Go Haymarket".

I am not sure that Joe doesn't cause the ground to shake when he gets started. I am a big fan of Joe and his efforts and one of the main reasons is his efforts remain positive. He doesn't taunt the other teams fans or players- he simply supports his guys, at a level I couldn't reach with a bull horn. Another thing to mention about Joe was this- in the 7TH inning when it was time to sing Happy Birthday to one of the Sens fans, Joe included Lisa's big day in the song. When he did this it gave me a second chance to join in and sing with him. Keep up the good work H-Joe!

He did mention that two Senators fans have completed the loop and he will be finishing up on Tuesday when he ends up at Waynesboro. We will be down there to celebrate with the 3 newest Generals fans to cross the line and H-Joe wanted me to let Generals Sign Guy Mike know that he will be looking for him down there.

I did get to spend 20-30 minutes talking with Bernie and it was a great conversation. I won't go into a great amount of details as it was mostly shop talk but it was great to have the opportunity to visit and swap ideas with Mr. Schaffer. Our paths have crossed on a few ocassions but we had not been able to talk at length before last night.

Note- I just went out to the car to find my other set of notes- THIS JUST IN- It is HOT outside.

Between talking with Bernie, H-Joe and all of the Turks and meeting Dan from the Post out in the parking lot to get my stuff, I left later than I had planned.It was the top of the 7TH with Haymarket leading 3-1 in a game that had significant playoff importance. What a fun stretch of the night for me (8:20 PM-9:26 PM) but there was still work to be done. The trip said 133.1 when I pulled out of the lot in Haymarket. I needed to get to I-66, drive 27 miles on it and then cover the final 6.3 miles to the park.

I needed for one of two things to happen for me- tons of offense or maybe some extra innings. I parked the car at the Bing 41 minutes/ 37.2 miles later (10:07 PM). The game was close and was in the top of the 8TH inning. The scoreboard at the Bing gives you an inning by inning breakdown like the one at Rebel Park so I scanned it quickly...

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